Team Spirit – The Chamber Board of Directors Pt 2

By Justin Aufdermauer
Executive Director

Last month, I introduced you to our Board Chair Whitey Forsman and Vice Board Chair Kayla Seaholm. These two individuals are part of an 11-member Board of Directors that  keeps the Chamber’s work  relevant and our business community strong.  Today I am eager to introduce you to another two of our talented and passionate Board members.

Sheila Zerngast. Sheila and her husband own the Tillamook Coliseum Theater, which was recently named Business of the Year by the Economic Development Council of Tillamook County.  The Zerngasts also own P & L Heating and Sheet Metal, and Sheila is  the program manager for the Tillamook County Community Developmental Disabilities Program at Tillamook Family Counseling Center. For the last two years, Sheila has been offering her services on the Chamber Board of Directors.

She joined our Board because, quite frankly, she loves Tillamook. (You would have to love it here to own two successful businesses, right?).

I love the community, and I love the people,” she said. “[Being on the Chamber Board] is a great way to be more connected to other businesses in Tillamook, and to get to know what is happening in our town and community.”

Sheila is our die-hard volunteer. She has years of experience working with different agencies and organizations, and enjoys planning events and working with volunteers. Her day job requires an ability to find resources for individuals and she has been able to apply this skill to our Board.

“I also think almost anything is possible if you work hard enough and do your homework,” she said. “So, I don’t take no very easily, and I am never afraid to ask the question.”

In particular, Sheila said she is most proud of how the Chamber has become an essential component  in the downtown reconstruction and rejuvenation. “I firmly believe big things are coming for Tillamook, and I think the Chamber is a key player in bringing those great things,” she said. “I am so excited we are downtown now, and right in the thick of things. It has opened so many doors for events, partnering, and spearheading projects. It keeps us on the front lines of what is happening in the city along with what is going on in the community and makes us an integral part of the daily workings of Tillamook.

“We have an amazing board, director and staff that are all committed to making the businesses in our community, and the community as a whole as successful as possible,” she added. “I am excited to see how each month we are able to put that energy and mission into practice.”

Kaylan Sisco:  Kaylan is one of our newer Board members with a year and a half under his belt. Many people in our community have heard and know of Kaylan by his coined radio introduction “Hey, this is Kaylan from the Y!” He’s a lifeguard, custodian, tour guide, game player, and life changer. In short, he is the Executive Director of the Tillamook YMCA.

Kaylan joined our Board because he’s the type of person who can’t just live in a community; he has to be involved. And we are lucky to have his 18 years of nonprofit experience helping to guide the Chamber’s direction.

Like Sheila, he is excited about our new location downtown.

“I don’t say it’s the ‘Chamber Office’ because it is so much more than that,” he said. “The fact that we have created a community space with resources for our businesses is a huge step in a new direction of support.”

Kaylan is an advocate for small businesses and finding support and resources on a larger scale through statewide and national partnerships.

“The Chamber is here for the benefit of the community,” he said.

We would not be able to do the work we are doing without support from Sheila and Kaylan. They are an essential part of our team and each are a valuable asset to our community and the Chamber.


Small Business Saturday 2017 was a Smashing Success

Sierra Lauder

by Sierra Lauder

Small Business Saturday. Wow. Downtown was packed! I was able to spend the day at the Chamber validating receipts for the #constructdowntown Sweepstakes, and we were busy all day! Well over 250 receipts were submitted for the drawing, and we chose three lucky winners on Saturday evening. The Sweepstakes continues through the end of the year, so if you didn’t make it in Saturday, don’t despair- you have plenty of time to enter between now and December 29th. Locals and visitors alike took advantage of many of the great sales our downtown merchants were offering, and many Christmas presents were purchased. If you are struggling with a few of the names on your list this year and need inspiration, I would invite you to park along Pacific or off of Ivy and stroll through downtown- the variety of fun, creative, unique and affordable options is inspiring. Hard to shop for kids that don’t need any more toys? Stop at Art Accelerated and pick up a gift certificate for their children’s art classes. Mother-in-law that you need to find a gift for but aren’t speaking to after “Stuffing Battle 2017”? Sunflower Flats has got you covered. Teenage daughter who hates everything? Madeline’s has jewelry you’ll be happy to steal back after it gets left on the bathroom counter, or Phoenix Bucks from the Phoenix Exchange so she can choose her own poison.  

It was great fun to see how many families were out enjoying the nicer weather, and gathering at the fun events that were happening throughout downtown. Cupcake decorating at Sarasota’s bakery seemed especially popular this year, with many happy kids devouring their masterpieces almost immediately upon completion. Yo Time hosted a Gingerbread House Building Competition, and five families put on an impressive display of team work. Some of the smaller builders seemed to be eating almost as quickly as others were creating, but that didn’t slow anyone down, and in the end it was very hard to pick a winner. By a close margin, Team Herder took First Prize with a sweet little chalet-style cottage- congratulations to Chella, Christian and Jude, and thanks to all of the teams who donated their entry fees of cash and tarps to CARE, who helps provide resources to those without shelter this holiday season.

Small Business Saturday 2017 is really the kick-off of the holiday season downtown, so if you missed the fun last Saturday: don’t despair! Many businesses are continuing fun specials and sales throughout the season. The Phoenix Exchange is hosting a few Pop-Up Vendors through the end of December, and Diamond Art Jewelers and So Chic Boutique are offering gift wrapping (a favorite courtesy in my book). Be sure that wherever you shop downtown, you visit the Chamber after with your receipt, so we can get you entered in the Sweepstakes! The weekly drawings continue, with Diamond Art, So Chic Boutique, Yo Time, Tillamook Coliseum Theater, Sheldon Oil and Fat Dog Pizza each sponsoring one of the remaining weekly prizes before the grand finale: $1000 of Downtown Cash sponsored by US Bank.

This coming Saturday is the City’s Tree Lighting Festival in front of City Hall, followed by the Tillamook Holiday Light Parade! This year’s parade is shaping up to be bigger and brighter than ever, so you will not want to miss it! Santa is doing double duty this Saturday, making appearances both at City Hall and at Hanger B, so if you missed him at Homelife last weekend, it’s not too late! For more information about these and other upcoming holiday season events, don’t forget to check out the Tillamook Living Calendar, or feel free to call the Chamber office, and we’ll help you find details: (503) 842-7525.

Come Volunteer with the Chamber!

by Justin Aufdermauer
Executive Director

Sometimes you throw an idea out there and have no idea how well it will grow and blossom. That was what we did with the #ConstructDowntown Sweepstakes, which began last month and runs through the end of December. It was a brainchild of ours that began as a simple conversation, and we’ve been overwhelmed at the response. Participation every week has been phenomenal!

However it has identified a bit of a problem: People want the Chamber office open on the weekends; well, at least on Saturdays. We used to always be open on Saturdays between Memorial Day and Labor dat at our old location, and still had plans to do that at our new location . Yet it seems that with the relocation to downtown and the popularity of the sweepstakes, a paradigm shift has occurred in terms of what our community wants from the Chamber as a central hub.

Naturally, we would love to be open seven days a week to serve our community members and visitors with an inviting gathering place, quality information, and fun merchandise. But here is the dilemma: We aren’t able to cover those extra hours within our current budget and staff capacity. In order to see the Chamber office open more than five days a week, we need help from our community members and loyal readership. Basically, we need volunteers. We need folks who love the Tillamook area as much as we do and want to share that enthusiasm and knowledge with everyone who walks through the front door.

So if you are interested in spending a few hours each month in what some say is the coziest downtown location, helping visitors discover new facets of our town, and lifting up our business and tourism community, then we want you!

You don’t need to be an expert in the area, or know the answers to all the questions that might get thrown at you. You just need to have a positive and professional attitude, dress appropriately, and follow a short list of guidelines regarding how we want to welcome people and refer them to local businesses. Don’t worry – we’ll train you. It’s a fun way to meet new people, share your passions and expertise, and bring a smile to someone’s day. It’s a great opportunity for the right high school student who needs some volunteer experience, and we often heard from our volunteers at the old office how rewarding it was to spend their day educating visitors about the many things to do, places to eat, and sites to see in our area.

If you would like to volunteer at the Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce visitor center in downtown Tillamook please contact us by calling (503) 842-7525 or emailing


ODOT Highway Update – October

Justin Aufdermauer


By Justin Aufdermauer
Executive Director

It’s almost hard to believe that it’s October, because things have not slowed down in the slightest it seems. A few weeks ago  you read about our #constructdowntown sweepstakes that runs until Dec. 29, and this week I thought we should bring you a quick brief of the downtown construction project.

Main Street is, of course, still in the depths of construction – literally. The vaults along the corner of Main and Third are garnering the most attention because of their massive impact, and the workload has been delayed slightly by the recent bouts of rain we’ve been experiencing. Over the course of just a few weeks we saw the sidewalks demolished and the footings and walls formed and poured  in front of Sunflower Flats, which set the stage for the concrete fill. The next two vaults are located just north of that large one – in front of Everything Pets and Tangled Yarns, where the entire process has to be repeated on a smaller scale.

Then, of course, comes the sidewalk building! While requiring extra effort from customers, business access to Sunflower Flats, Annie’s Country Sportswear, Everything Pets, Tangled Yarns, and the now open Pacific Restaurant will be maintained, despite all the construction.

I would like to pause here to highlight that in the midst of all this construction, Pacific Restaurant officially opened their doors and has been at capacity every day for lunch. In a time that could be catastrophic for a business owner, with the end of the tourism season, the return of the rains, and the bustling of construction, Pacific Restaurant is proof that people will walk a block or two to get to something they want to. Even though there is no parking directly outside of their restaurant, people are happily parking on Pacific and cross the Plaza, or over on Ivy and crossing Main.

In just over a week, PUD will be shutting off the street lights in the construction area along Main while they transition to the new light poles. This means that during the evening as we lose daylight, the storefronts along Main will be the only things lighting the way. If you are walking downtown during this time, take extra precautions to watch your step.

Over on Pacific in the northwest corner of the Pioneer Museum, we are starting to see the formation of what will be a unique outdoor area. With the traffic from Hwy 6 now veering off to the north by the Post Office, it has created a nice-sized footprint of creative space. The Pioneer Museum will be inheriting this area, and it’s exciting to think of the ways they will use it. The decorative concrete will be poured soon to enhance the look and feel of the new outdoor gathering spot.

Meanwhile over on the bridge, the shuttle service is still being implemented to get people across. Northbound pedestrians can catch the shuttle at the Post Office, and southbound travelers can hop on just north of Rosenberg Builders Supply. The shuttle will be available from approximately 7:30 a.m. until approximately 6:30 p.m. You are greatly encouraged to use it. If you need to get across during the off-hours, Dial-A-Ride is a back up. While we all understand that circumstances arise sometimes on a short notice, please do your best to plan ahead – for your own safety. Pedestrian access will likely reopen by the end of the month, so just hold tight a little longer and take advantage of the shuttle options.

Speaking of the bridge, the City and the Tillamook Urban Revitalization Association are partnering to try and salvage the railings on the remaining old bridge and relocate them to Sue H. Elmore Park, where they could be integrated as a decorative piece. It’s anyone’s guess at this point as to how much of the original railing will be recoverable, but the City is hopeful that it will be a nice historical addition to the park.

We continue to offer a weekly highway project update by email, and if you would like to sign up or learn more about it, please visit or contact the Chamber office at (503) 842-7525.