Tillamook Young Pros Leadership Team
by Brooke Johnston
The Tillamook Young Professionals will be welcoming a leadership team! We are excited to have Britta Lawrence, Bryton Dorland, Haley Emerson, McKeon Moser, and Jesse Kane heading our Young Pros program. To better connect our Young Pros members, multiple perspectives and ideas in leadership are necessary. Our leadership team will focus on creating and planning our events, gaining sponsors, and volunteering. Whether we are hosting a networking or community service event, our leadership team will help steer Tillamook Young Pros toward a successful future.
The members of Young Pros represent the future workforce in Tillamook and connecting them with each other is one of our main goals and is essential for our economic growth. With the help of our new leadership team, events will be more common and diverse, creating more opportunities for our Young Pros members to connect and share ideas.
Looking to the future, our leadership team will play a large role in establishing a variety of events to engage our Young Pros members. Family-friendly events are essential, but so are personal and professional development and community engagement activities. Having our members in the forefront of the community through social engagement or professional development with local businesses will open various opportunities for multiple interests, forging the way to a new career path or a business idea becoming realized for these young professionals.
For the rest of the year, Young Pros will be hosting monthly networking events for young professionals to build stronger relationships with one another. And with the help of our leadership team, organizing a few as family-friendly will be an easy feat. Not to mention all the fun games and conversations that our members will have while exploring ideas and connections. Being a member of Young Pros is also about supporting one another, and our leadership team will be focused on creating environments that all our members can access and take full advantage of professionally.
As our Young Pros members grow, so will our leadership team. With multiple people involved in the hands-on process of developing the Young Pros program, we can turn Young Pros into a premiere opportunistic program within the Tillamook community.
To become a member of Tillamook Young Pros visit youngprostillamook.com/join, or contact Brooke at brooke@tillamookchamber.org.