by Justin Aufdermauer
Executive Director
A lot of things in life may not have a direct impact on you, yet affect you more than you may know. You might not have children in school or ever use the library, but what you don’t realize is that they are still impacting your life. The Chamber believes the stronger our school and library systems are the stronger our community will be. The Chamber Board supports both the Tillamook schools and Tillamook library bonds.
The quality of the local school system is not only important for the student’s health and safety but also for business. A quality district with adequate facilities is often a priority for new hires who are looking to move in the area, or if a local couple is deciding whether or not to stay and raise their family. Recruiting and retaining a skilled and diverse workforce is going to determine the great of our economic growth (it already is). The reward is great and the cost is minimal. Regardless the amount of your property tax statement, the total cost of this bond, after the increase in three extensions, is less than the original Bond passed by voters in 2002 at $0.97 per thousand. This is because of proactive management by the school district to refinance that bond in 2010. Plus, this time the bond comes with a match of up to $4 million.
The library is much more of a community resource than many understand. For the sake of argument, we could forget the community events, Children’s Parade and all the books, and yet it would still have significant value. Did you know there is a vast amount of databases and programs available to local businesses (and everyone) and all you need is a library card? These databases help save businesses such as our local mechanics thousands of dollars every year. Also, a literate workforce is one of the most important and valuable tools. The library serves many people each year in literacy, a basic skill that many of us take for granted.
The Chamber Board is made up of local small business owners and individuals who are passionate about enhancing economic vitality of the Tillamook area and we support the local school and Library bonds.