Port of Tillamook Bay

Port of Tillamook Bay
The POTB is a local government with authority under ORS 777 as a Port District. We operate the Tillamook Airport, own rail from Tillamook to Banks, have the county’s only disposal site for septage and sludge, operate the Hooely manure digester, as well as have our own sewer system and water distribution system within the Port’s 1600 M-1 zoned industrial area. We are located two miles south of Tillamook along Highway 101 and are on a former Naval Air Station that was decomissioned after WWII.
- 4000 Blimp Blvd.
Suite 100
Tillamook, OR 97141 - 503-842-2413
- mbradley@potb.org
- http://www.potb.org