February Mainstream Happenings

by Sierra Lauder
Director of Events and Downtown Promotion

February Frenzy! It’s been wild around the Mainstreet District these past few weeks. Enthusiastic teenagers with fully functioning vocal chords have been sharing street corners with sandwich boards full of activities, and yet there has still been plenty of room for shoppers who have zig zagged around town supporting Charity Drive events and Cash Mobs. There are two more Cash Mobs events on the roster- so keep those calendars out! This Saturday, February 25th, we’ll be at The Rendezvous from 4:30-6. Why so early? So we have plenty of time to walk over to Yo Time for the 6:30 Open Mic night hosted by Art Accelerated. Live music acts have signed up, as well as a handful of writers and poets; if you would like to be included in the roster, give the Chamber a call and we can help connect you to the sign-up sheet. March 5th (make a note- this date has changed) is a brunch Cash Mob at The Blue Moon Café. They are currently closed for some unanticipated remodeling, and are hoping to reopen for regular hours soon. It’s hard not to be in awe of our community this time of year, and the Chamber is both proud and honored to be a partner.

Planning has kicked off hot and heavy for the June Dairy Parade and Festival. The Festivals Committee, which meets year-round, is really starting to dig in to ideas, organization, and delegation. The coloring contest, which debuted last year, is about to go live. Check your local library branch for entry forms. You may recall the Pirate Fest and Penny Scramble that took place after the parade last year- this year we are hoping to grow that festival atmosphere and expand the children’s activities. Clubs, businesses or organizations who are interested in hosting or sponsoring an activity in the festival are invited to attend the Festivals Committee or stop by or call the Chamber.

I also recently had the opportunity to attend the Mainstreet Quarterly Workshop in Cottage Grove. It is so fun to visit another community and see how they tackle some of the same challenges we look at here, and compare ideas and strategies. Mainstreet programs from all over the state were present. We discussed strategies for consolidating sponsorships, working with partners, and grant funding opportunities available through the state for development projects in Mainstreet communities. There are a few different grants available for rehabilitation efforts, and we have visited with a few property owners who might be a match for these funds. If you have property that you are thinking of investing in and want to learn more about Mainstreet and the parameters of the grants that are available, please call or email me at the Chamber: (503) 842-7525, sierra@tillamookchamber.org.

Chamber Chatter: It’s Time to Rally


By Justin Aufdermauer
Executive Director

Over the last few months I have watched wide-eyed as you the community have stepped up to bat for your neighbors. Just last month at the Chamber banquet, dozens of you raised your card for Dean Burdick to help his family with their medical costs. We raised more than $7,000, which was just a drop in the bucket of what the community has raised for this family.

And let’s not forget that in October of last year, more than 100 supportive shoppers checked in at Manzanita for the Cash Mob and helped those business owners know they are cared about and appreciated after they experienced a devastating tornado.

We will continue to see this support and dedication for our neighbors in the upcoming weeks as Charity Drive kicks into full drive. Every year our businesses and individuals go above and beyond to support one of our country’s largest Charity Drives in existence. The students at Tillamook High School go all out, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for local charities and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland. It’s this tradition of giving and supporting one another that gets our blood pumping.

This year, let’s keep this momentous charity ball rolling by helping support four local businesses who need our attention and love. Here are four ways you can continue to help after Charity Drive has wrapped up:

February 11: The Chamber is hosting a Cash Mob at Teen Challenge, 4192 Hwy 1010 N. A cash mob, if you’ve never participated in one, is when a group of people assemble at a local business to make purchases. The purpose of these mobs is to support both the local businesses and the overall community. Our local Teen Challenge store has been informed by their corporate office that without a financial turn over, they won’t be able to keep the doors open. This would be a huge loss for those in the community who are in need of affordable clothes, furniture, household items, and more. Not to mention the employees who rely on Teen Challenge for a source of income. Join us on February 11 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. while we “mob” Teen Challenge with financial support.

And in case you don’t remember, this strategy worked wonders for our local Franz Bread Bakery in 2013 when they too were on the verge of shutting down. United States Bakery in Portland had announced they were closing the Tillamook branch, which resulted in a “Save the Store” rally. The store hadn’t been doing well for years, and that coupled with the Third Street construction at the time had apparently sealed its fate. But community members decided to show up and show their dedication to the Tillamook branch, prompting the corporate office to reconsider the closure and keep the store open. We did it once, and we can do it again!

February 18: The Phoenix Exchange and Madeline’s Vintage Marketplace are literally surrounded by the downtown construction, and as such they are feeling the impact. With little parking or useable sidewalks right now, it has made it more difficult to shop these stores. Plan to show up and spend some cash on February 18 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. and help sustain these ladies.

February 25: The Rendezvous is also feeling the effects of major construction, so we are hosting a “dinner mob” from 4:30 – 6:00 followed by open mic night at YoTime at 6:30 (hosted by Art Accelerated). Make an evening of dinner, dessert and entertainment, all while encouraging our downtown businesses.

February 26: Blue Moon Café will have a Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m with guest chef Nelia Seratista of Pacific Restaurant. Stay tuned for the price of the brunch! Proceeds will help support the Blue Moon Cafe, yet another business in the middle of a construction zone.

So enjoy Charity Drive – get out and cheer on your favorite class, but be sure to keep the momentum rolling into the local community as we spread the love and joy to four local businesses who could use an extra boost during the slow season.